What We’re Reading This Week



A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin.

“I’m just finishing A Dance with Dragons and about to start reading Ready Player One, which I’ve really been looking forward to getting into.  A Dance with Dragons is the exposition we’ve been waiting years to get. It fills in the holes left by A Feast for Crows. It drops in a lot of surprises and new characters.  It’s the first book in the series to introduce so many new characters since the first book. I just hope we don’t have to wait four years for the next one.”


Jenn S.

Underworld by Don DeLillo

“I’ve been putting off this book because it seems so daunting, but I’m very glad to finally be reading it. It has the best opening of any book I’ve ever read, with the kids breaking into Dodgers’ stadium.  I can tell already it’s going to take over my life.”





A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

“Even though he’s known best for his Tarzan books, I think here Burroughs writes pulp fiction at its best. I was surprised to learn that this is the first in an eleven part series. It’s reminiscent of all your classic pulp writers, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, but most of those guys don’t write such direct science fiction.  You could really consider this some of the original sci-fi, and some of the best. It’s a classic.”




The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides

“I’m a third of the way into it and I’m really, really enjoying it. People who love his stuff will love this book. I can see myself ultimately enjoying it as much as Middlesex and even more than The Virgin Suicides.”

(The Marriage Plot goes on sale nationwide October 11th. Eugenides will be here at BookPeople speaking and signing this new novel on October 27th.)



No One Belongs Here More Than You: Stories by Miranda July

“I know I’m late in the game getting to this collection of short stories, but better late than never. I picked it off of my boyfriend’s shelf late last night when I needed something quick to read in the final hour before bed. This morning I picked it up again while waiting for the bus, and didn’t put it down until I sat down to work. I crossed Lamar, clocked in and climbed three flights of stairs reading Making Love in 2003. When you can’t put a book down, you can’t put it down. Looking forward to my lunch break.”


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